Interview Process

SECTION PURPOSE to help the screening committee chair and committee members conduct successful interview processes

Type of Interview Decision

Hiring manager and search committee chair should evaluate all available interview options and determine which would provide the best opportunity to understand the candidates’ qualifications, while considering the resources of the department and those individuals involved, including the candidate. Please consider:

      • Resources – cost and time
      • Size of the candidate pool – if large, develop a multi-level interview plan to reduce numbers; if small, possibly skip some interview rounds
      • Phone, Skype, On Campus

Note:  ALL candidates must be treated equally throughout the process (for example, if a phone interview is being completed for the first round, then ALL candidates receiving an interview should be interviewed by phone).

On-Campus Interview Details

    1. On-Campus Experience
      Hiring Manager, Admin and Screening Committee Chair develop a plan for a positive and successful on-campus experience for each candidate. Determine what itinerary will give the best results for both the hiring department and the candidate. Things to consider:
      • Candidate packets – maps, brochures, promotional items, etc.
      • Cost and Reimbursements – hotel, flights, meals, parking
      • Transportation – airport, hotel, on campus, etc.
      • Schedule
      • Length of Interview Day and individual/group interviews
      • Plan only what is necessary
      • Include down-time for candidates, which includes reasonable travel time between interviews if appropriate.
      • Meals – if included, determine if they are truly meals or interviews.
      • Hosting candidates, moving them around campus
      • Presentations – are they part of the schedule, are they necessary, what do you want to learn about the candidate through a presentation, what is the topic, does it relate to the work required in the position?
      • Room Reservations
      • A/V Equipment
    2. Itinerary Development
      Determine who needs to meet with the candidates and whose feedback will help you understand if the candidate possesses the necessary qualifications. Options for consideration:
      • Screening committee, Hiring department staff, VP’s Office, Hiring Manager, Direct Supervisor, Other campus constituents, Customers/Clients/Service Users, Students
    3. Interview Participant Communication
      Once you have determined who will interview candidates, prepare them and provide them with documentation for their role
      • Send all interviewers Outlook invitations
      • Explain your process and the role they play
      • Provide copies and/or on-line access to resumes, cover letters, itineraries, etc.
      • Set expectations for behavior, including a review of Student Affairs values during this process
      • Review logistics – hospitality, movement of candidates on campus, etc.
      • Instruct participants regarding notes, FOIA, communication, feedback, etc.
      • Review how to answer candidate questions
      • Send itinerary to the candidate to be interviewed
    4. Interview Questions
      Determine the questions used for each interview level and who will ask them. Determine appropriateness and develop a plan to reduce duplication of questions.
      • Consistency – same questions for all
      • Ice-breaker questions
      • Scope of questions - must be related to job description
      • Remind interviewers about illegal questions. Illegal Questions – age, gender, gender expression, marital status, race, religion, ethnicity, health, sexual orientation, political preferences, children, abilities, etc.
      • Question Structure
        • Information Seeking
        • Singular focus – not multiple parts of one question
        • Open ended vs. yes/no
      • Types of Questions
        • Education confirmation
        • Skill sets applicable to the job qualifications
        • Situational questions to demonstrate skill set and related experience
      • Questions from Candidates
        • Anticipate questions from candidates and be prepared to respond. Determine how much time to allow for candidate questions at every stage of the interview process.
        • Salary range
        • Process steps – what’s next, etc.
        • Future communications
        • Anticipated start date
        • Staff development opportunities – professional associations and conferences, etc.
        • Questions when you do not know the answer
    5. Interview Wrap-up with Candidate
      Develop a strategy to successfully conclude the interview experience so that the candidate fully understands next steps, communication, etc.
      • What is next?
      • Reference checks
      • Criminal background check
      • Projected timeline
      • Communication
    6. Evaluations of Candidates
      Collect multiple perspectives from all involved in interview process regarding each candidate’s ability to meet the qualifications of the position.
      • Format – open-ended, use of terms (excellent, good, etc.), other formats
      • Electronic vs. hard copies
      • Ratings (yes) vs. Rankings (no)
        • Develop a timeline/deadline for feedback
        • Ask for ratings based on the candidate’s ability to meet qualifications
        • Do not ask participants to rank candidates
        • Do not ask participants to vote for/against a candidate or hire/don’t hire
      • Writing dispositions – must ONLY be related to qualifications
      • Do not use words unrelated to qualifications – “we like this person, not a good fit, didn’t like his/her personality”
      • Official notes from the interviews are kept by the screening committee chair
      • Video-taping of presentations or other pieces of the process
        • Determine who can view them and how they are viewed
        • Develop plan for security concerns
        • Property ownership, what happens to them after the process concludes, etc.
      • FOIA – legal issues regarding notes, videos, evaluation forms, etc.
      • Final decision is left to the hiring manager
    7. Post-interview/Pre-offer
      • Each interviewed applicant who is not selected for hire needs to be given a disposition within Recruiting Solutions based on the qualifications, explaining why he/she will not be offered the position. The selected candidate also needs an explanation in Recruiting Solutions demonstrating why he/she is the most qualified for the position.
      • Records Retention: Federal regulations require the University to maintain records of applications received during the search process for two years following the personnel action.  All application materials must be provided to the University at the end of the search.
      • All interviewed candidates who were not selected for the position should be notified once the selected candidate has accepted the position.
For more information, contact Stacey Murdock, or 860.486.2265