Recruitment Process

SECTION PURPOSE to present a step-by-step process which prepares the chair to request permission to interview qualified candidates.

Applicant Review

The screening committee reviews and evaluates all applicants and provides disposition codes and justifications. The administrative support person or chair will enter this information into Recruiting Solutions. Applicants can only be evaluated on the qualifications that were published in the job advertisement/description.

  • During the screening process, applicants are evaluated against the qualifications, not against each other
  • Some qualifications such as “interpersonal skills,” “oral communication skills,” and other similar “soft” qualifications can be further determined during the interview and can allow committees greater flexibility in making final decisions.
  • Qualifications can be weighted based on the importance of that qualification to the position (in conjunction with the hiring manager)

Applicant Dispositions

The screening committee will meet to evaluate the applicants and identify an interview pool. The information below will serve as a guide to categorize the applicants:

I (Interview):

  • Applicants meet minimum and all or most preferred qualifications. The screening committee will determine how to weigh the preferred qualifications.
  • Applicants who have indicated their UCPEA membership on the application and meet the minimum qualifications for UCPEA positions are ranked “I” and offered an interview. Preferred qualifications are not factored into this initial screening.
  • “I” candidates must be invited for an interview.  Initial interviews can be held via phone, Skype, or other electronic communication medium, or in person.

Q (Qualified): 

  • Applicants meet minimum and possibly some preferred qualifications.
  • Disposition needs to indicate which preferred qualifications are lacking.

U (Unqualified): 

  • Applicants do not meet minimum qualifications.
  • Applicants cannot be interviewed or hired.
  • All “U” (unqualified) applicants’ dispositions indicate the minimum qualification(s) that are lacking.

Checklist for Submission to OIE for Interview Approval

  • Recruitment efforts to cast a broad net and fulfill the good faith requirement have been made.
  • All recruitment efforts and sources are entered in the Recruitment Contacts section.
  • All qualifications entered in Recruiting Solutions match the minimum and preferred qualifications in the job description.
  • All applicants are ranked using the I, Q, U ranking system.
 *OIE reviews and approves searches at two phases in the process – prior to interview and prior to final offer.  At the pre-interview stage, OIE reviews information from the screening committee pertaining to recruitment efforts, applicant demographics, and applicant ranking and evaluation.  At the pre-offer stage, OIE’s review focuses on the screening committee’s evaluation of all interviewed applicants, including the selected applicant.
For more information, contact Stacey Murdock, or 860.486.2265