
SECTION PURPOSE to identify steps necessary to open a search to fill a vacant or newly-created position

Planning Process – Completed by Hiring Manager or designee

    • Obtain permission from department head to open search. Complete a Division of Student Affairs position request form available from Stacey Murdock, Division's Human Resources liaison
    • Department head to submit position request form to Stacey Murdock, cc'ing their direct supervisor, to obtain permission from the VPSA office to proceed in opening the search
    • After receiving VPSA office approval, open and submit search for university-wide approval in Recruiting Solutions System (RSS)...this includes:
      • Fill out RSS template according to HR recommendations using the helpful guide found here
      • Identify screening committee chair and members of the screening committee (see screening committee tab for more details)
      • Develop a position announcement and job advertisement(s) that includes clearly defined and measurable minimum and preferred qualifications
For more information, contact Stacey Murdock, or 860.486.2265